This was a talk that was half comedy show and half tech talk and half call to action to go and make useless stuff. Ever wanted to see a few hundred people play Pac-man? But only after some stressful live debugging? Then watch through the link below! Watch it on the Brighton Ruby...
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In February I gave a talk at JSWORLD Conference in Amsterdam. It was a bit of fun using a tool like react for something it shouldn’t really be used for. Below is the recording, I hope you enjoy it! I will hopefully write up some of this stuff into a few more in depth blog posts...
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In the middle of lockdown Halfstack did an online conference and this was my contribution to the day, talking about making fun games and why people should make fun stuff.
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This was the first tech talk I did for the BBC while I was there. Talking about the BBC Reith font project, which I had the pleasure of working on while I was there. My domain was mostly around how are we going to distribute this font across the BBC’s many many websites and many...
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The first ever conference talk I gave, which was actually an adapated version of my 2017 Edinburgh Fringe Show of the same name. It’s a fun interactive show looking at some classic video games. Also I alas owe a correction to this talk. The story about Gandhi and Civilisation is...
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